
发布人: 发布时间:2016-02-28 点击次数:

第一作者 题名 刊名 会议 单位 检索类别
帅传敏 Chinas new cooperation strategy with the World Food Programme: a SWOT Analysis Outlook on Agriculture 2008   China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) SCI 光盘版期刊
帅传敏 Assessment of IFAD Project Sustainability for Rural Poverty Reduction in China   2007 IEEE Communications, Services, Knowledge and Engineering Management 91产国在线观看糖心vlog(武汉) 贰滨检索
帅传敏 Research on the Management Efficiency of Poverty Reduction Projects in Rural China - Based on an Empirical Analysis of Different Models   2008 IEEE Communications, Services, Knowledge and Engineering Management, WiCOM 2008 China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) EI 检索(核心版)
帅传敏(第二) An Analysis of Enterprise Investment in On-the-Job Training   2008 IEEE Communications, Services, Knowledge and Engineering Management, WiCOM 2008 China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) EI 检索(核心版)
徐德义 Scaling properties of Feldspars and Quartz in Micro-images of ideal granites Journal of China University of Geosciences 2008   统计系 SCI
徐德义(第叁) Fractal Modeling of Sphaleriate Banding in Jinding Pb-Zn Deposit, Ynunan, Sothwestern China Journal of China University of Geosciences 2008   统计系 SCI
吕军 International Journal of Business and Management   Vol.3,No.7 July 2008-60 Research on the Development of the Recycle Treatment Industry of the Municipal Solid Wastes under the Background of China`s Urbanization   ISTP
张琦 4.Research on Construction Mode of Recycling Network of Reverse Logistics of Automobile Enterprises   2008 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering 2008   EI
张琦 Modeling the recovery and re-use network within automobile reverse logistics system   2008 2008 International conference of production and operation management   EI
於世为 A dynamic all parameters adaptive BP neural networks model and its application on oil reservoir prediction Applied Mathematics and Computation 2008.195(1):66-75     厂颁滨:260碍尝, 贰滨核心:075010970937
於世为 Fuzzy Neural Network Applications on Estimating the Contribution of Different Education Levels on Human Capital of China Proceedings of IEEE ICSSM’07 June 9-11,2007,Chengdu,China 2007.6:554-557     贰滨核心:081211151907, ISTP: BGX76
於世为 A hybrid GA-SA-BPNNs for human capital prediction of China regions Proceedings of IEEE ICIEA 2008, June 3-5,,Singapore 2008.6:522-527     EI核心: 083911591053 ISTP: BIC09
於世为 Optimum coordinate number of clusters and best clustering in fuzzy C-means
Proceedings of WCICA’08 , Jun 25-27,2008, Chongqing, China: 2008.6:5776-5781     EI核心: 083911599285 ISTP: BIJ02
赵晶 An Empirical Study of E-Business Implementation Process in China IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2008, 55(1): 134-147   91产国在线观看糖心vlog 厂颁滨(光盘版)、厂厂颁滨和贰滨同时收录
赵晶 A Study of B2B E-Market in China: E-Commerce Process Perspective Information & Management 2008,45:242-248   91产国在线观看糖心vlog 厂厂颁滨、贰滨和厂颁滨(扩展版)同时收录
赵晶(第二) Impact of Internal Factors on Information Technology Adoption: An Empirical Investigation of Chinese Firms 《清华大学学报自然科学版》(英文版 2008, 13(3):318-322   91产国在线观看糖心vlog EI
赵晶(第二) An E-Business Capabilities Perspective on E-Procurement Process Performance: An Empirical Investigation   2008,May 31-June1, the Proceeding of the Seventh Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business 91产国在线观看糖心vlog ISTP
赵晶(第二) Characteristics of E-business Process Performance: An Empirical Study   2008,May 31-June1, the Proceeding of the Seventh Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business 91产国在线观看糖心vlog ISTP
赵晶(第二) The Process of Integrated E-business Strategic Planning: A Resource-based View”   2008,May 31-June1, the Proceeding of the Seventh Wuhan International Conference on Electronic Business 91产国在线观看糖心vlog ISTP
郭海湘 Setting up Model of Forecasting Core Reservoir Parameters by Fusion of Soft Computing Methods   vol4,2007,8:165-169 The 3rd International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC07)   EI
郭海湘 Data driven for feature selection based on fusion with soft computing   2008,146-148 The 7th world congress on intelligent control and automation   EI
熊英 Empirical research on influencing factors of supplier partnerships---Based on Henan Xinfei Electrical Appliance Co., LTD     2008生产与运作国际学术会议录用    
王广民 An Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Solving Bilevel Linear Programming Problem Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2007,28(12):1605-1612     EI
王广民 最优发电公司数量与规模的二层规划模型 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版) 2007,31(6):999-1002     Ei
王广民 Genetic algorithm based on simplex method for solving linear-quadratic bilevel programming problem Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2008,56 :2550–2555     Ei(核心),Sci(光盘版)
王广民 A neural network approach for solving nonlinear bilevel programming problem
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2008,55 :2550–2555     Ei(核心),Sci(光盘版)
陈莲芳 Research on Trust Problems and Countermeasures in China C2C E-Commerce   Volume Ⅱ:1837-1848 The Seventh Wuhan International Conference On E-Business   ISTP
陈莲芳 Innovation in China Jewellery Marketing under Electronic Commerce   Volume Ⅰ:115-122 The Seventh Wuhan International Conference On E-Business   ISTP
庄小丽 Forecast Model of Market Scale based on Grey Theory-Case Study on On-line Tourism In China   June 27-30 2008 Industry Cluster and Meta-Studies Proceedings of International Conference on Industry Cluster Development and Management 91产国在线观看糖心vlog ISTP
  2008.3 China Private Economy Innovation International Forum 91产国在线观看糖心vlog ISTP
董淑霞 Analysis and research on hotel revenue management - Taking Wuhan citys star hotels as examples   2008.7 International Symposium on China Hospitality Management and Business Information 91产国在线观看糖心vlog ISSHP
  A research of the internal service recovery of a hotel according to "Demings 14 points" PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CHINA HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS INFORMATION     91产国在线观看糖心vlog ISSHP
梁玥琳 An Empirical Research on Leisure Behavior at Recreational Waterfront in China: Based on the Website Survey 2319-2322   The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business 91产国在线观看糖心vlog ISTP
梁玥琳 Response of Regional Tourist Flow to Informational Space: Example of JiuZhaiGou Valley 3113-3118   The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business 91产国在线观看糖心vlog ISTP
李江敏 Satisfaction of Urban Dwellers on Recreation around Metropolis The seventh E-business conference 2008.5 The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business 91产国在线观看糖心vlog ISTP
鄢志武 A Preliminary Study on E-Business System of World Geoparks in China   2008 第七届武汉电子商务国际会议 91产国在线观看糖心vlog经管学院 ISTP
王萍 An Empirical Research on Person-Organization fit: A Study in Chinese High-Tech Organization Context The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business:
Unlocking the Full Potential of Global Technology
2008 The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business 91产国在线观看糖心vlog经济管理学院 ISTP
李江敏 Expectation-perceived performance of urban dwellers in ReBAM: An empirical research on Wuhan city Journal of Southeast University(English Edition) 2008     EI
赵晶 Investigation of Critical Success Factors in e-Business Adoption by Chinese Travel Firms: A Resource-based Perspective”   May31- June1,2008, pp 3521-3524 the Proceeding of Seventh Wuhan International Conference on e-business (WHICEB2008)   ISTP
余敬 The sustainability of China’s major mining cities Resources Policy 2008, 33(1):12-22     厂厂颁滨,贰滨
张治河 Construction and Analysis of the University Innovation System: the Case of Hubei Province   Zhejiang Gongshang University Press,Hangzhou,2008.5,P357-364 Proceedings of Hangzhou Conference on Management of Technology(MOT 2008), Zhejiang GongShang University Press   ISTP
翁克瑞 Evolutionary Algorithms for Multiple Allocation Hub Set Covering Problem   2008 IEEE ICNSC 2008 School of Management, China University of Geo-sciences EI( 083411465010)
郭明晶 An Extensible Architecture for Personalized Information Services in An Ambient Intelligence Environment         EI
郭明晶 An Architecture for Digital Library Information Service in An Ambient Intelligence Environment         EI
程胜 Self-organization Model About Energy Technology Innovation Processes The 2008 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering,Taipei 2008 The 2008 International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering,Taipei 统计系 EI,ISTP
周远祺 Towards value orientated core competence choosing and forming a portfolio decision analysis tool PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INNOVATION & MANAGEMENT, VOLS I AND II Pages: 2336-2340 Published: 2007 Ube, JAPAN, DEC 05-06, 2007 4th International Conference on Innovation and Management China Univ Geosci, Sch Management, Wuhan 430074, Peoples R China ISTP
齿颈补辞,闯窜肖建忠 The entrepreneurial process in technology-based ventures:The case in pre-startup stage GLOBALIZATION CHALLENGE AND MANAGEMENT TRANSFORMATION,VOLS :1487-1495 AUG 03-05,2007 6th International Conference on Management China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China ISTP
Hu,HM 胡怀敏 Female entrepreneurship in China:Evidence from Hubei provinces cases more options GLOBALIZATION CHALLENGE AND MANAGEMENT TRANSFORMATION,VOLS :1429-1433 AUG 03-05,2007 6th International Conference on Management China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China ISTP
付晓灵 Review on Influence Factors of the Employers’ Satisfaction
for Construction Business Based on the SEM
  2008年5月 The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business   ISTP
刘耕 A multi-objective genetic algorithm for determining facility location of solid wastes   2007 Aug 24-27 P431-435 ICNC 2007 华中科技大学 EI
Kejun Zhu, A better estimate to the contribution rate of education on economic growth in China from 1999 to 2003 Expert Systems with Applications,2008,34(2):1371-1383       SCI,EI
侯祖兵 An Empirical Study on the Factors of Cyber Consumer Behavior   2008.5 Proceedings of the 7th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China ISTP
张欣 The framework of knowledge management implementation in software Enterprise   2008.5 Proceedings of the 7th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China ISTP
周国华 The Research of Industrial Innovation Resources and Innovation Policy - Based on the Industry Life Cycle   Tianjin,2008.5,p401-407 2008 International Symposium on Marketing(ISM2008) Proceedings, Research and Practice of Service Marketing Management in New-economy Era China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China CPCI-SSH(ISSHP)
周国华 The Status Quo and Trend Analysis of Service Innovation Research   Zhengzhou, P.R. China, China Machine Press,2008.09,pp1484-1492 The proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IE&EM2008) China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China ISTP
周国华 The Research on the Evaluation Model of University Independent Innovation Capability   Zhejiang Gongshang University Press,Hangzhou,2008.5,P374-379 Proceedings of Hangzhou Conference on Management of Technology(MOT 2008), Zhejiang GongShang University Press China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China ISTP
周国华 The Study on Management Innovation Model of Small-Medium Enterprises---Take Hengdian Group& LINIX Co.,Ltd for example   2008.1 10th West Lake International Conference on Small & Medium Business (WLICSMB 2008) China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China ISTP
刘宇清 Research on Financial Support for Entrepreneurship in Wuhan   2008.5 Proceedings of the 7th Wuhan International Conference on E-Business China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China  
宋丹霞 Performance Evaluation of Professional Service Supply Chain based upon DEA&AHP Models   2008 Proceedings of 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operation and Logistics and Informatics China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China ISTP
宋丹霞 Research on Service Supply Chain in the Perspective of Professional Service outsourcing 2008 Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China ISTP
宋丹霞 Research on Performance Evaluation System of Service Supply Chain   2008 Proceedings of the ninth International Conference on Industrial Management China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430074,Peoples R China ISTP
刁凤琴 Study on Petroleum Output Predication Based on RBFNN-Markov Theories   2008.2:1068-1073 The Seventh Wuhan International Conference On E-Business China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430075,Peoples R China ISTP
王柏轩 The study on Investigation of Entrepreneurial Environment in Wuhan The Proceedings of the Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, 2008.5   The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430076,Peoples R China ISTP
宋凡 Assessing Regional Disparity of Independent Innovation Capability of Regional High-tech Manufacturing in China Seventh Wuhan International Conference On E-Business 2008     ISTP
Wetland Landscape pattern evolvement character and its driving mechanism based on TM images of Hubei province Geoinformatics 2007,Proc. Of SPIE vol.6752 67523B-1-11 SCI/EI
Dynamic evolution study of wetland landscape pattern in Wuhan urban based on TM images Of SPIE vol.6790 67902L-1-8 The Fifth International Symposium on Multispeltral Image Processing &Pattern Recognition,Proc SCI/EI
屈文彬 On Legal System of the Internet Banking Supervision     The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430076,Peoples R China ISTP
曹桂华 The Present Conditions and Strategy on the Development of China’s IC Industry     The Seventh Wuhan International Conference on E-Business China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430076,Peoples R China ISTP
诸克军 Application of Takagi-Sugeon fuzzy to regional economy modeling   Nov 18-20 2007 p974-977 Proceedings of 2007IEEE international Conference on Grey Systems and intelligent Services,GSIS 2007 China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430077,Peoples R China EI
诸克军 Using fuzzy system to establish regional economy input- output model   SEP 21-25 207 P3276-3279 WICOM 2007 China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430078,Peoples R China EI
诸克军 Optimum harmonic number of clusters and best clustering in fuzzy C-Means   Oct 5-7 2006 p369-374 ICMSE06(13th) China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430079,Peoples R China EI
诸克军 A soft computing method to estimate the effect of production factors on economic groeth   sep 25-28 2007 p4337-4343 CEC 2007 China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430080,Peoples R China EI
诸克军 The optimal cluster number of FCM in complex economic systems   jun 1-6 2008 p766-770 FUZZ 2008 China Univ Geosci,Wuhan 430081,Peoples R China EI