论文题目 |
发表刊物/论文集 |
所有作者 |
发表/出版时间 |
刊物类型 |
A Theoretical Framework for Understanding the Spatial Coupling between Poverty and the Environment: A Case Study from China |
Agronomy Journal |
帅竞(学),程欣,陶星(学),帅传敏,王波(学) |
2019-03-14 |
T2 |
Effects of heterogeneous technological progress on haze pollution: Evidence from China |
Ecological Economics |
易明,王怡倩(学),生明月(外),Basil Sharp(外),张尧 |
2019-11-11 |
罢1(社科) |
Specific HR practices and employee commitment: the mediating role of job satisfaction |
Employee Relations |
1. Arshad Mahmood(学),帅传敏 |
2019-04-01 |
罢2(社科) |
Can Nighttime Light Data Be Used to Estimate Electric Power Consumption? New Evidence from Causal-Effect Inference |
Energies |
朱永光(学),徐德义,Saleem H Ali(外),马瑞阳(学),成金华 |
2019-08-16 |
一般期刊,罢3 |
A real option model for geothermal heating investment decision making: Considering carbon trading and resource taxes |
Energy |
於世为,李震西(学) |
2019-12-01 |
着名期刊罢1(社科) |
Energy consumption and economic growth nexus: New evidence from Pakistan using asymmetric analysis |
Energy |
Khan Baz(学),徐德义,Gideon Minua Kwaku Ampofo(学),Imad Ali(外),Imran Khan(外),成金华,Hashmat Ali(外) |
2019-11-30 |
T2 |
On the relation between global food and crude oil prices: An empirical |
Energy Economics |
程胜,曹妍(学) |
2019-04-16 |
着名权威期刊,罢4 |
A comprehensive evaluation of the development and utilization of China's regional renewable energy |
Energy Policy |
於世为,郑雅丽(学),李龙锡 |
2019-02-04 |
罢1(社科) |
Evaluating provincial eco-efficiency in China: an improved network data envelopment analysis model with undesirable output |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
於世为,刘杰(学),李龙锡 |
2019-12-29 |
一般期刊 |
A semi-smooth Newton algorithm for high-dimensional nonconvex sparse learning (SCI收录, T1期刊) |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems |
石跃勇,黄坚(外),焦雨领(外),杨青龙(外) |
2019-09-14 |
着名期刊 |
The Heterogeneous Effects of Different Environmental Policy Instruments on Green Technology Innovation |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
易明,方晓萌(学),闻乐(外),光峰涛(外),张尧 |
2019-11-22 |
罢2(社科) |
The Heterogeneous Effects of Different Environmental Policy Instruments on Green Technology Innovation |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
张尧 |
2019-11-22 |
罢2(社科) |
Teachers’ Conflict-Inducing Attitudes and Their Repercussions on Students’ Psychological Health and Learning Outcomes |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
Muhammad Rashid Ali(学),帅传敏 |
2019-08-20 |
罢2(社科) |
Supporting Sustainable Development of Water Resources: A Social Welfare Maximization Game Model |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
郭明晶,姜子玉(学),卜炎(外),成金华 |
2019-08-13 |
罢2(社科) |
The Defining Role of Environmental Self-Identity among Consumption Values and Behavioral Intention to Consume Organic Food |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health |
严良,郭锐,Haroon Qasim(学),Amer Saeed(学),Badar Nadeem Ashraf(学) |
2019-03-28 |
T3 |
Do peer firms affect corporate social performance? |
Journal Of Cleaner Production |
唐鹏程,付书科(外),杨树旺 |
2019-12-01 |
着名权威期刊 T2 |
Energy industry investment influences total factor productivity of energy exploitation: A biased technical change analysis |
Journal Of Cleaner Production |
彭甲超(学),肖建忠 |
2019-10-16 |
着名期刊 T2 |
The Behavior and Cognition of Ecological Civilization among Chinese University Students |
Journal Of Cleaner Production |
王然,齐睿,成金华 |
2019-09-22 |
T2 |
Simulating the sustainable effect of green mining construction policies on coal mining industry of China |
Journal Of Cleaner Production |
齐睿,刘江宜,刘侗一(学) |
2019-06-20 |
T2 |
How to attract customers to buy green housing? Their heterogeneous willingness to pay for different attributes |
Journal Of Cleaner Production |
何晨琛,於世为,韩琦(外),Bauke de Vries(外) |
2019-06-01 |
T2 |
Can low-carbon city construction facilitate green growth? Evidence from China's pilot low-carbon city initiative |
Journal Of Cleaner Production |
成金华,易佳慧(学),戴胜(学),熊艳 |
2019-05-28 |
T2 |
Impact of financing constraints on firm's environmental performance: Evidence from China with survey data |
Journal of cleaner production |
田鹏,林伯强(外) |
2019-04-20 |
着名权威期刊 T2 |
A primal dual active set with continuation algorithm for high-dimensional nonconvex SICA-penalized regression (SCI收录, T4期刊) |
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation |
石跃勇,周泽慧(外),焦雨领(外),王雎(外) |
2019-01-20 |
着名期刊 |
Inbound Tourism as a Driving Force for Regional Innovation: A Spatial Impact Study on China |
Journal of Travel Research |
刘晶晶,Peter Nijkamp(外) |
2019-05-05 |
着名权威期刊 T1 |
Numerical modeling and assessment of natural gas pipeline separation in China: the data from Henan Province |
Petroleum Sciences |
肖建忠 |
2019-11-15 |
着名期刊 |
How should government and users share the investment costs and benefits of a solar PV power generation project in China? |
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews |
帅竞(学),程欣,丁丽萍,杨君(学),冷志惠(学) |
2019-04-15 |
着名权威期刊 T1 |
Local government responses to catalyse sustainable development: Learning from low-carbon pilot programme in China |
Science Of The Total Environment |
唐鹏程,曾浩(外),付书科(外) |
2019-11-01 |
着名权威期刊 |
The Differentiated Influence of Technology Absorption on Regional Economic Growth in China |
Sustainability |
易明,方晓萌(学),张尧 |
2019-02-16 |
罢3(社科) |
Industrial Structure Restructuring, Production Factor Allocation Analysis: Based on a Mineral Resource-Intensive City—Jiaozuo City |
Sustainability |
严良,武剑,戴潇(学),张倩(外),王丹(学),阮芳丽(学) |
2019-02-15 |
T3 |
Spatiotemporal Evolution and the Driving Forces of the Coupling Coordination Degree between Urbanization and Urban Residents’ Livelihood Level in Mongolia |
Sustainability |
崔丹(外),刘红红(外),肖晔(外),崔娜娜(外),刘晶晶,吴殿廷(外) |
2019-02-09 |
着名权威期刊 T3 |
珠宝网购消费者决策风格对产物质量和价格态度的影响 |
The Proceedings of Eighteenth Wuhan International Conference on E-Business |
王萍,吴维鑫(学) |
2019-04-24 |
国际学术会议论文集 |
How Nonprofits Can Recover from Crisis Events? The Trust Recovery from the Perspective of Causal Attributions |
Voluntas |
侯俊东,张智(学),郭海湘 |
2019-10-17 |
罢2(社科) |
煤炭开采过程中生态补偿费用的确认与计量 |
财会通讯.综合 |
王然,黎骥(学),李素峰(外) |
2019-03-18 |
核心期刊 |
网络舆情结构逆转建模与仿真:基于改进顿别蹿蹿耻补苍迟模型 |
复杂系统与复杂性科学 |
于同洋(外),肖人彬(外),侯俊东 |
2019-09-15 |
权威期刊 |
优美生态环境需要及其实现路径 |
光明日报习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想特刊 |
汪宗田,成金华 |
2019-05-20 |
着名权威期刊 |
中国能源扶贫政策发展阶段及演变特征研究 |
江西理工大学学报 |
李世祥,陈岗岗(外),吴巧生 |
2019-04-20 |
权威期刊 |
中国能源扶贫政策发展阶段及演变特征研究 |
江西理工大学学报 |
李世祥,陈岗岗(学),吴巧生 |
2019-04-15 |
权威期刊 |
构建多层次科技金融生态系统 |
经济日报 |
易明 |
2019-01-18 |
重要报刊理论版罢3 |
空间正义视角下乡村遗产地居民对旅游影响的感知 |
开发研究 |
李江敏,高洁(学),刘晶晶 |
2019-10-20 |
着名期刊 |
人才的资源匹配、技术效率与经济高质量发展 |
科学学研究 |
吴婷(学),易明 |
2019-11-20 |
权威期刊,罢3(社科) |
基于 SFA 方法的中国高新技术产业创新效率研究 |
科研管理 |
易明,彭甲超(学),吴超(外) |
2019-11-14 |
着名权威期刊 |
大尺度旅游线路的设计质量评价体系与检验:以欧洲出境观光游为例 |
旅游学刊 |
朱镇,黄秋云(学) |
2019-01-31 |
核心期刊,罢3 |
残缺的力量!励志品牌故事人设的健全性对消费者品牌偏好的影响 |
南开管理评论 |
陈香(学),郭锐 |
2019-12-23 |
权威期刊,罢2(社科) |
以科技创新推动绿色发展 |
人民日报(理论版) |
易明 |
2019-11-19 |
报刊文章 |
旅游海岛水资源环境承载能力研究 |
生态经济 |
刘江宜 |
2019-10-30 |
着名期刊 |
长叁角城市群宜业与生态宜居融合协同发展水平、动态轨迹及其收敛性 |
数量经济技术经济研究 |
张欢,汤尚颖,耿志润(学) |
2019-02-01 |
权威期刊,罢3(社科) |
产物复杂度、制度质量和产业升级 |
武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版) |
马海燕,严良 |
2019-11-10 |
罢3(社科) |
长江经济带科技创新空间溢出——效应测度、路径识别与协同放大 |
武汉大学学报.哲社版 |
白永亮,石磊(学) |
2019-01-01 |
核心期刊罢3 |
高能耗公司绿色转型技术的实物期权选择路线 |
系统工程理论与实践 |
周远祺 |
2019-01-09 |
权威期刊,罢3(社科) |
中国高等教育投入产出效率的综合评价 |
中国管理科学 |
易明,彭甲超(学),张尧 |
2019-12-20 |
权威期刊,罢3(社科) |
空气污染物的时空演化及社会经济驱动因素研究 |
中国环境管理 |
孙涵 |
2019-08-20 |
着名期刊 |
重塑长江经济带矿产资源开发利用格局 |
中国矿业报、中国社会科学报 |
吴巧生,成金华 |
2019-05-22 |
报刊文章 |
中国经济高质量发展评价及障碍因素分析 |
资源开发与市场 |
吕军,陈宝华(学),姜子玉(学),侯俊东 |
2019-10-21 |
着名期刊 |
供需错配下能源替代路径优化 |
资源科学 |
严良,熊伟伟(学),王小林,王腾 |
2019-09-25 |
权威期刊,罢3(社科) |
水生态文明建设的公众参与意愿——5个国家级试点城市的1379份问卷调查 |
资源科学 |
白永亮,程奥星(学),成金华 |
2019-08-25 |
着名权威期刊 |
财政分权、经济竞争对中国能源生态效率影响异质性研究 |
资源科学 |
周敏(学),王腾,严良,谢雄标 |
2019-03-26 |
权威期刊,罢3(社科) |